Thursday, January 12, 2023

worst airplane crashes

Worst Airplane Crashes - We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, deliver personalized content and targeted advertising, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audience comes from. To learn more or opt out, read our Cookie Policy. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, effective December 20, 2019.

2014 seems to have been a particularly bad year for airline safety, with the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the downing of flight MH17 over Ukraine, and the recent crashes of TransAsia Airways and Air Algeria.

Worst Airplane Crashes

Worst Airplane Crashes

But it should be remembered that thousands of planes are grounded every day. By comparison, plane crashes are extremely rare. In fact, flying is one of the safest ways to travel, regardless of the impression you get from watching CNN.

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A comprehensive US government analysis of plane crashes between 1983 and 2000 found that survival rates ranged from 81 percent to 100 percent in most crashes. But in several disasters, only 0-20 percent of people survive.

In a recent post, Joseph Stromberg said, “The data on the dangers of flying non-commercial vehicles is inaccurate. Plane crashes and attacks get a lot of attention, but they are extremely rare and cause very few deaths. On a per mile basis.... In 2012 (the most recent year we have), there were zero fatalities on US commercial flights. This includes US Airlines international flights. (With 15 deaths in air ambulance and cargo plane crashes.) ... By conservative estimates, the risk of death for a 100-mile walk is at least one-fold greater than that of flying. "

After 9/11, people flew less and drove about 3 percent more. As Joseph Stromberg added in the story, psychiatric researcher Gerd Gegrenzer noted that excessive driving caused 353 additional deaths in the three months following 9/11. It doesn't have a big impact and it will be interesting to see if it will be picked up after other disasters.

Fatal accidents in October, November and December 2001 (squares) deviated significantly from the five-year average (circles) (Gerd Gigerenzer)

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According to an analysis by the International Business Times, the worst year for airplane fatalities was 1972. Data varies from year to year, but we are not living in the most dangerous time to fly.

The Economist magazine did a good analysis of recent trends and concluded: "Over the past forty years, deaths on airplanes - whether from accidents or terrorism - have fallen despite a nearly tenfold increase in the number of passengers." This chart also shows that most deaths are from accidents, not terrorist attacks.

This estimate was obtained by the Aviation Safety Network, an independent, private initiative that maintains an extensive database of aviation, military and corporate accidents worldwide. All 88 flights were completely lost without a trace. "Not a single wreckage, oil slick or body was found under these conditions," the site said.

Worst Airplane Crashes

This Reuters chart shows commercial airline fatal crashes between 2003 and 2012, and the trend is clear. Although airplanes spend most of their time cruising at altitude, the most dangerous part is at the very end and at the very beginning. That's why they always tell you to get rid of your tray table.

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When accidents are adjusted for the number of aircraft, North America and Europe are the safest places to fly. As noted in the Forbes story, some African and former Soviet countries are more dangerous to fly to.

In 2007, Popular Mechanics went through 36 years of American disasters to find out where the survivors were. They concluded that the rear side of the plane was better. However, due to the rarity of such accidents, only 20 accidents were included in the analysis. And it is unclear whether this is just a statistical fluke in a small data set.

The magazine story also includes a quote from the FAA, which says there is no way to know which area is safe. But since sitting back is unlikely to hurt you, you can go for it if you want.

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The collision occurred as KLM Flight 4805 was taking off, while Pan Am Flight 1736 was still on the runway. The impact and resulting fire killed all aboard KLM 4805, leaving only 61 survivors in the front section of the plane, along with most of Pan Am 1736's passengers.

A bomb planted at Gran Canaria airport by the Canary Islands' Independent Movement diverted several flights to Los Rodios, including two crashed planes. The airport was quickly filled with parked planes, blocking the only taxiway, and departing planes were forced to taxi to the runway instead. A thick fog spread over the airfield, greatly reducing the visibility of the pilots and the control tower.

A subsequent investigation by Spanish authorities concluded that the main cause of the accident was the KLM captain's decision to take off under the mistaken belief that air traffic control (ATC) had given him permission to fly.

Worst Airplane Crashes

Dutch investigators further highlighted a misunderstanding in the radio communications between the KLM crew and ATC.

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However, KLM finally admitted that their crew was responsible for the accident and the airline agreed to pay financial compensation to the families of all victims.

The disaster had a lasting impact on the industry and highlighted the importance of standard phraseology in radio communications. Cockpit procedures were also reviewed to help establish crew resource management as a key part of airline pilot training.

Tariff was an unscheduled stop for both routes. Their destination was Gran Canaria Airport (also known as Las Palmas Airport or Gundo Airport), which served Las Palmas on the nearby island of Gran Canaria. Both islands are part of the Canary Islands, an autonomous community of Spain located in the Atlantic Ocean off the southwest coast of Morocco.

KLM Flight 4805 was a charter flight for Holland International Travel Group and arrived at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, Netherlands.

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First officer Klaus Mewers (42) and flight attendant William Schrader (48). At the time of the accident, Valdez van Zant was KLM's chief flight instructor with 11,700 flight hours, 1,545 of which were in the 747. Meurs had 9,200 flight hours, 95 of which were in the 747. Schreuder had 17,031 flight hours, 543 of which were in the 747.

The aircraft was a Boeing 747-206B, registration PH-BUF, name Rijn. The KLM plane had 14 crew members and 235 passengers, including 52 children. Most of the KLM passengers were Dutch. Also on board were four Germans, two Austrians and two Americans. After the plane landed on the tarmac, passengers were transferred to the airport terminal. One of the passengers on board, Robina Van Lanscott, who lives on the island with her boyfriend, Fred, decided not to reboard the 747, which was carrying 234 passengers.

Pan Am Flight 1736 arrived from Los Angeles International Airport and made a stopover at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK). The aircraft was a Boeing 747-121, registration N736PA, named Clipper Victor. It was the first 747 delivered to the airline. Of the 380 passengers (mostly of retirement age, but including two children), 14 boarded for New York, and the crew changed as well. The new crew included Captain Victor Grubbs (age 56), First Officer Robert Berg (39), Flight Engineer George Warrens (46) and 13 flight attendants. At the time of the accident, Grubbs had 21,043 hours of flight time, 564 of which were in the 747. Bragg had 10,800 flight hours, 2,796 of which were in the 747. 15,210 hours of notice was given. Flight hours, of which 559 hours corresponded to the 747.

Worst Airplane Crashes

On August 2, 1970, in its first year of service, also the first 747 was hijacked: on a flight between JFK and Luis Munoz Marin International Airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico, it was headed to Jose Marti International in Havana, Cuba. Airport. .

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Both flights were normal until approaching the islands. At 1:15 p.m., a bomb planted by the separatist Canary Islands Indepdce Movemt exploded in the Gran Canaria airport terminal, injuring eight people.

The phone call had a bomb alert and a second after it was answered there was another call

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